
Name the band ? The Strollers. Sidewalk sale weekend with baby Tristan #congratulations to the #parents #welcome #babyboy #newborn #adorable #bestbaby #gushingmom #cousins #nephew #uncle #aunt #babystroller #sidewalksale #Montreal #weekend #saintlaurentmontreal #family #labordayweekend #montrealmoments

Name the band ? The Strollers. Sidewalk sale weekend with baby Tristan to the

Name the band ? The Strollers. Sidewalk sale weekend with baby Tristan #congratulations to the #parents #welcome #babyboy #newborn #adorable #bestbaby #gushingmom #cousins #nephew #uncle #aunt #babystroller #sidewalksale #Montreal #weekend #saintlaurentmontreal #family #labordayweekend #montrealmoments

À propos de Herby

Herby Moreau

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